"Смирись, гордый человек, и прежде всего сломи свою гордость. Смирись, праздный человек, и прежде всего потрудись на родной ниве" Ф.М. Достоевский, Пушкинская речь
Результат теста style.baduk.org/style/index.php

Your style is flexible

Your Go style is flexible: you can play for territory as well as for influence.
Usually you make such decisions according to the whole-board situation or the playing style of your opponent.
You may force him to choose the strategy he hates. For example, if he likes moyos, you can play for influence yourself, just for making him angry.
Your Go style is actually the best one.
You may improve your Go by studying different things, but I suggest paying attention on yose and positional judgment.